Beyond Ballet

From Performer to Professional

man in black shirt sitting on chair
man in black shirt sitting on chair

Your Partner in Pivoting from Performance to Professional Success

We're dedicated to guiding professional ballet dancers as they step into new careers, connecting them with accomplished mentors for a seamless post-dance transition.

man wearing white and black plaid button-up sports shirt pointing the silver MacBook
man wearing white and black plaid button-up sports shirt pointing the silver MacBook

Our Mission

To provide comprehensive support, mentorship, and resources, connecting former dancers who have thrived in a variety of fields with those seeking guidance. We are committed to fostering a community of learning, inspiration, and opportunity, enabling artists to transition from dance to diverse professional endeavors with confidence and success.

woman in blue tank top standing beside white wall
woman in blue tank top standing beside white wall

Career Transition Support

Discover the resources you need to navigate a successful career transition beyond ballet. Beyond Ballet's network of experienced professionals provide guidance and support to help you explore new opportunities and achieve your goals.

Success Stories

Explore the inspiring success stories of former professional ballet dancers who have transitioned into diverse fields. Learn how they leveraged their skills, passion, and determination to achieve success beyond ballet.

Empowering ballet dancers for life beyond the stage

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